August 13, 2007

NEtwork Conference 2007 (National Education), 14th Aug:

Resources for a workshop I'm conducting at the NEtwork Conference 2007 (14th Aug)

Blogging And The New Media Phenomenon
Blogging as an NE tool
Ivan Chew, National Library Board
1.30pm to 3.30pm

In today's highly-connected society, almost every man and his dog own a blog. BUT DO BLOGS AND NEW MEDIA HAVE A PLACE FOR NE? Local blogger, Ivan Chew (better known as the "Rambling Librarian") will give an overview of how various New Media platforms, including blogs, can be used for NE. Participants will get an opportunity to formulate and share ideas on integrating new media tools into NE initiatives, as well as discuss ways to manage the challenges in New Media, in the context of NE.

NExus website -

What's the NEtwork Conference?

Did you know that National Education (NE) was launched in schools in 1997 by then-Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Lee Hsien Loong? Since then, many agencies in the government and non-government sectors have supported the NE effort in Singapore with initiatives of their own.

The first NEtwork Conference was organised in 2003 for about 850 NE practitioners, who gathered to take stock of the progress of NE since its launch, as well as look forward to its future directions. Then-DPM Lee Hsien Loong was the guest-of-honour at the event.
Last assessed 13 Aug 2007

What NE is, and isn't
  • The history of National Education
  • Is National Education just government propaganda?
  • Is National Education meant to be alarmist?

Here's an initial list of NE (National Education) related blogs (courtesy of Kelvin Lim from Nexus):





IDEAS FOR CONVEYING THE NE MESSAGE (how feasible do you think they will be?)
  • Book recommendations
  • Historical reenactments
  • Films
  • Songs
  • Art
  • Storytelling for NE

What makes bloggers tick?

Selected "I Am Singaporean" Meme


  • Earth@sg - "Singapore's Geo-Mashup Community" (see the section on Heritage and History)
  • SinGeo.SG

Songwriting as a way to promote NE awareness - see:

Chinese-language blog by Chung Cheng High School students who are documenting aspects of their school's history for the upcoming exhibition of "Student Life and Activities In Singapore, 1945-1965" -

Oglivy's Executive Blogger’s Guide to Building a Nest of Blogs, Wikis, and RSS - PDF file (hat-tip to PRspeak)

10 tips for a Great Blog - see this earlier post

Starting a new blog (part 1) - A post from 2006, on my personal thinking process in starting a new blog (some aspects are applicable to starting an organisational blog)

Talking points:
  1. What sort of reactions would be get from different audiences?
  2. Would we allow similar videos to be made?
  3. Would the "Permission-Granted If You Abide By..." concept be better than a "Permission-Denied By Default" rule?
  4. What are the potential "Can Of Worms" that would be opened up?

Selected tools