October 11, 2007

"Introduction To New Media Communications" Course, DAY 2: Selected links for the Podcast/ Vodcast workshop

[Reference - Course description]

BOOKMARK THIS URL: http://tinyurl.com/pcast123

To produce that Podcast:
Audio (in the appropriate file format)
+ Podcast hosting service
+ RSS feed

To produce that Audio:
Plan >> Script >> Rehearse >> Record >> Edit

Podcast hosting services:

Audio recording/ editing software:

Where to find Creative Commons audio
(for background tracks):

See Vodcast Demo - "Getting to the SMU Executive Media Theatre"

Producing that Vodcast:
Video + Compress video + File hosting service + Blog and/ or RSS feed

How to Vodcast:

Free video hosting services:

Vodcast Demo - "Getting to the SMU Exec Media Theatre"

This is a demonstration video for the Podcast/ Vodcast workshop -- Civil Service College "Introduction to New Media Communications" course, 11 - 12 Oct 2007.

The podcasting workshop (Day 2) would be held at the Singapore Management University, Executive Media Theatre, Administration Building.

The video was recorded with my digital camera (so the video quality isn't that great).

After I went home, I did a minor edit with the video by cutting out the walk down the passage way. I save the original clip as two files and merged them together in Apple iLife '06 iMovie.

Next, I wrote a brief script and recorded the voice over with the Audacity audio editor and recorder (which I'll be showing the participants how to use). Then saved it as a MP3 file.

The MP3 file was imported to the iMovie clip. Cuts on the audio was done in iMovie.

For the background music, I selected "Saturday In May" (a song I composed in May 2006, when I was learning my way around GarageBand). Adjustments was also made to the track volume in iMovie.

Finally, I added the transitions and titles.

Took about 45 minutes (excluding the recording of the video).

Civil Service College: "Introduction To New Media Communications" Course

Extracted from the Civil Service College website (last accessed 10 Oct 2007):
"Introduction To New Media Communications" Course

Synopsis: In 2006, TIME magazine voted “You” - producers and consumers of new media content - as its Person of the Year, and gave YouTube its much-coveted “Invention of the Year”. Yes, the age of new media has arrived, even as it evolves into an intricate social web of community and collaboration.

What opportunities do new media offer to organisations seeking to further their communications objectives and target new audiences and stakeholders in this increasingly networked world? And just how does someone new to this fast-evolving landscape take the first steps to participate in its dynamism?

The Civil Service College is pleased to launch a 2-day course that adopts an interactive and hands-on approach to explore key issues related to using new media as a communications tool. Day 1 provides an overview of Singapore’s new media scene, and features industry practitioners and public service agencies that have implemented new media communications initiatives. Day 2 takes a hands-on approach in helping participants understand the culture of new media through the process of creating content for new media platforms such as blogs, YouTube podcasts, and Wikipedia.

Objective: At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
  • Learn about current culture and trends in new media
  • Understand key issues on use of new media for communication and information sharing
  • Find out how other public sector organisations have implemented new media initiatives to engage stakeholders
  • Create content for new media platforms

Course Outline:

Day One
  • New media culture & trends: Singapore’s new media scene
  • Incorporating new media into your communications plan
  • Case studies:
  • Old Stories, New Media - The Tale of Yesterday.sg
  • Using new media in public communication (NLB)
  • Using new media as an organisational tool for internal communication
  • Measuring New Media Return on Investment

Day Two - The programme for Day 2 consists of hands-on sessions on the internet.
  • Creating your first blog
  • Integrating videos to your blog
  • Creating podcast/ vodcasts
  • An introduction to Wikipedia
  • Closing summary

Trainers/ Facilitators:

Time: 9.00am - 5.30pm
Duration: Full Day
Schedule Remarks: Venue will be at SMU.
