Showing posts with label workshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workshop. Show all posts

March 03, 2012

PD 109 - Writing for Social Media workshop (key outline)

Personality (what is your personal brand? How do you want to be seen/ associated with?)

Timing (must this be pubished now? How's the social media weather? What would your mother/ potential employer think?) )

Story (what's the hook?)

- inverted triangle
- one leg standing
- tree in the forest
(play charades)

5 Things That Shouldn’t Be On Your Facebook

August 31, 2011

August 04, 2008

Suggestions from workshop participants

When asked what they'd like to achieve for their school library:
  • Use appropriate tools to apply in courses and prgs
  • Enrich the learning experience for students
  • using new media as a form of learning and teaching
  • Use blog to showcase book reviews
  • Contribute to NLB Read & Reap
  • Better support the curriculm
  • increase readership
  • greater student participation in library activities
  • create a more vibrant community
  • Achieve higher level of literacy
  • Sharing of media resources (share school media content with others)
  • Increase students interest in books
  • Using new media to attract students to the library

For this workshop.

August 03, 2008

Your Library and New Media: Collaboration through Social Networking

For the International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology (ICTLT), 5-6 Aug 2008.

Pre-conference workshop (4 Aug 2008):
The International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology 2008 (ICTLT)






Powerpoint slides

Other Social Networking platforms

Copyright & Creative Commons
Creative Commons sources (note: "Creative Commons" does not mean "Copyright-Free"; always check the specific terms of use)

Some considerations in selecting a social sharing service (please add your thoughts as comments)
  • What are your goals & objectives?
  • Are you prepared for your works to be used without attribution?
  • Free or Fee, or both
  • Ease of Use
  • Is that service popular? (why do you think this matters?)
  • Who are the main users of that service?
  • What's the popular image/ branding of that service?
  • What's your preferred degree of control of your content? (e.g. private Vs. public access, moderation)

Creative Commons License

This work by Ivan Chew is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. Feel free to use this as per the terms of use. For permissions beyond the scope of this license, or if you wish to clarify what the license mean, please contact via RamblingLibrarian [at]

May 30, 2008

Workshop 1.3 – New Media – How to set up a school library blog with no budget

School Library Symposium - 30 May 2008, Jointly organized by NLB & MOE

Workshop 1.3 – New Media – How to set up a school library blog with no budget

By Mr. Ivan Chew, Manager, Adults & Young People’s Services

Aims of the session:

  • Understand how blogs can be used as publicity tools to engage students and the school community

  • Through a hands-on exercise, learn how to create and manage a school library blog

  • Learn how to engage bloggers and users in the blogosphere


  1. Create a blog with
  2. Publish at least THREE posts (suggestions: Record the learning points from this workshop. Or interview the person next to you.)
  3. Add your blog here, by leaving a comment
  4. Delete your blog (if you choose to do so)



Questions & Comments? Contact me via my blog.

A highly subjective and biased list of social media tools for libraries, librarians, library school coordinators

Here's a highly subjective and biased list of social media tools for libraries, librarians, library school coordinators :)

Useful stuff for librarians/ libraries

Blogs, Wikis & other social media platforms

RSS/ Feed Readers/ Alerts

Blog search: |
Blog 'Bulletins': |

Statistical tools - | |

Discussion forums/ mailing lists: |

October 11, 2007

"Introduction To New Media Communications" Course, DAY 2: Selected links for the Podcast/ Vodcast workshop

[Reference - Course description]


To produce that Podcast:
Audio (in the appropriate file format)
+ Podcast hosting service
+ RSS feed

To produce that Audio:
Plan >> Script >> Rehearse >> Record >> Edit

Podcast hosting services:

Audio recording/ editing software:

Where to find Creative Commons audio
(for background tracks):

See Vodcast Demo - "Getting to the SMU Executive Media Theatre"

Producing that Vodcast:
Video + Compress video + File hosting service + Blog and/ or RSS feed

How to Vodcast:

Free video hosting services:

Vodcast Demo - "Getting to the SMU Exec Media Theatre"

This is a demonstration video for the Podcast/ Vodcast workshop -- Civil Service College "Introduction to New Media Communications" course, 11 - 12 Oct 2007.

The podcasting workshop (Day 2) would be held at the Singapore Management University, Executive Media Theatre, Administration Building.

The video was recorded with my digital camera (so the video quality isn't that great).

After I went home, I did a minor edit with the video by cutting out the walk down the passage way. I save the original clip as two files and merged them together in Apple iLife '06 iMovie.

Next, I wrote a brief script and recorded the voice over with the Audacity audio editor and recorder (which I'll be showing the participants how to use). Then saved it as a MP3 file.

The MP3 file was imported to the iMovie clip. Cuts on the audio was done in iMovie.

For the background music, I selected "Saturday In May" (a song I composed in May 2006, when I was learning my way around GarageBand). Adjustments was also made to the track volume in iMovie.

Finally, I added the transitions and titles.

Took about 45 minutes (excluding the recording of the video).

Civil Service College: "Introduction To New Media Communications" Course

Extracted from the Civil Service College website (last accessed 10 Oct 2007):
"Introduction To New Media Communications" Course

Synopsis: In 2006, TIME magazine voted “You” - producers and consumers of new media content - as its Person of the Year, and gave YouTube its much-coveted “Invention of the Year”. Yes, the age of new media has arrived, even as it evolves into an intricate social web of community and collaboration.

What opportunities do new media offer to organisations seeking to further their communications objectives and target new audiences and stakeholders in this increasingly networked world? And just how does someone new to this fast-evolving landscape take the first steps to participate in its dynamism?

The Civil Service College is pleased to launch a 2-day course that adopts an interactive and hands-on approach to explore key issues related to using new media as a communications tool. Day 1 provides an overview of Singapore’s new media scene, and features industry practitioners and public service agencies that have implemented new media communications initiatives. Day 2 takes a hands-on approach in helping participants understand the culture of new media through the process of creating content for new media platforms such as blogs, YouTube podcasts, and Wikipedia.

Objective: At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
  • Learn about current culture and trends in new media
  • Understand key issues on use of new media for communication and information sharing
  • Find out how other public sector organisations have implemented new media initiatives to engage stakeholders
  • Create content for new media platforms

Course Outline:

Day One
  • New media culture & trends: Singapore’s new media scene
  • Incorporating new media into your communications plan
  • Case studies:
  • Old Stories, New Media - The Tale of
  • Using new media in public communication (NLB)
  • Using new media as an organisational tool for internal communication
  • Measuring New Media Return on Investment

Day Two - The programme for Day 2 consists of hands-on sessions on the internet.
  • Creating your first blog
  • Integrating videos to your blog
  • Creating podcast/ vodcasts
  • An introduction to Wikipedia
  • Closing summary

Trainers/ Facilitators:

Time: 9.00am - 5.30pm
Duration: Full Day
Schedule Remarks: Venue will be at SMU.


August 13, 2007

NEtwork Conference 2007 (National Education), 14th Aug:

Resources for a workshop I'm conducting at the NEtwork Conference 2007 (14th Aug)

Blogging And The New Media Phenomenon
Blogging as an NE tool
Ivan Chew, National Library Board
1.30pm to 3.30pm

In today's highly-connected society, almost every man and his dog own a blog. BUT DO BLOGS AND NEW MEDIA HAVE A PLACE FOR NE? Local blogger, Ivan Chew (better known as the "Rambling Librarian") will give an overview of how various New Media platforms, including blogs, can be used for NE. Participants will get an opportunity to formulate and share ideas on integrating new media tools into NE initiatives, as well as discuss ways to manage the challenges in New Media, in the context of NE.

NExus website -

What's the NEtwork Conference?

Did you know that National Education (NE) was launched in schools in 1997 by then-Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Lee Hsien Loong? Since then, many agencies in the government and non-government sectors have supported the NE effort in Singapore with initiatives of their own.

The first NEtwork Conference was organised in 2003 for about 850 NE practitioners, who gathered to take stock of the progress of NE since its launch, as well as look forward to its future directions. Then-DPM Lee Hsien Loong was the guest-of-honour at the event.
Last assessed 13 Aug 2007

What NE is, and isn't
  • The history of National Education
  • Is National Education just government propaganda?
  • Is National Education meant to be alarmist?

Here's an initial list of NE (National Education) related blogs (courtesy of Kelvin Lim from Nexus):





IDEAS FOR CONVEYING THE NE MESSAGE (how feasible do you think they will be?)
  • Book recommendations
  • Historical reenactments
  • Films
  • Songs
  • Art
  • Storytelling for NE

What makes bloggers tick?

Selected "I Am Singaporean" Meme


  • Earth@sg - "Singapore's Geo-Mashup Community" (see the section on Heritage and History)
  • SinGeo.SG

Songwriting as a way to promote NE awareness - see:

Chinese-language blog by Chung Cheng High School students who are documenting aspects of their school's history for the upcoming exhibition of "Student Life and Activities In Singapore, 1945-1965" -

Oglivy's Executive Blogger’s Guide to Building a Nest of Blogs, Wikis, and RSS - PDF file (hat-tip to PRspeak)

10 tips for a Great Blog - see this earlier post

Starting a new blog (part 1) - A post from 2006, on my personal thinking process in starting a new blog (some aspects are applicable to starting an organisational blog)

Talking points:
  1. What sort of reactions would be get from different audiences?
  2. Would we allow similar videos to be made?
  3. Would the "Permission-Granted If You Abide By..." concept be better than a "Permission-Denied By Default" rule?
  4. What are the potential "Can Of Worms" that would be opened up?

Selected tools

November 04, 2006

Creating blogs with

[First posted at RamblingLibrarian]
UPDATE - See New Blogger Features (Dec 2006) + updated post (26 May 2008).

Due to repeated requests for the screenshots in creating blogs with, I've gotten over my procrastination and posted them in the blog. Yeah, I should've done it earlier... well, better late than never. The steps and screens are correct as of 1st Nov 2006 (once cuts over to the new Blogger Beta version, the features and interface might have changed).

Click on the images for the larger-sized screen-shots:

Step 1 - Blogger - Login/ Create Blog
Blogger - Login/ Create Blog
This is where you you create a blog, or login to your Blogger account - (additional notes in - click here)

Blogger - Step 1 in Creating An Account
Blogger - Step 1 in Creating An Account
You are required to choose a User Name for your blogger account. Blogger uses Image Verification rather than Email Verification in accepting accounts. The email you enter is for things like "password reminder" rather than for creating an account with Blogger. If your preferred User Name has been taken, you'd be required to enter an alternative. Your User Name does not necessarily have to be your Blog Name or Display Name (i.e. you may wish to choose something totally unrelated to your blog name for additional security).

Blogger - Step 2: Name your blog
Blogger - Step 2: Name your blog
Here, you're required to enter a Title for your blog and the blog URL (these can be changed later; for the URL it will be subject to availability, so it's best to choose wisely at this stage). The Word Verification is a feature for blogger to ensure it's a human being that's creating an account, rather than an automatic program (spambot).

Blogger - Step 3: Choose a template
Blogger - Step 3: Choose a template
Click on any of the design. Tip -- you can always choose a new template, so simply choose anyone to proceed and complete your registration/ blog creation process. My observation is that most "Blogger newbies" spend way too much time at this stage, and adds unnecessary delay in registering the blog.

Blogger - After Step 3
Blogger - After Step 3
You're almost there...

Blogger - Confirmation of new blog
Blogger - Confirmation of new blog
Congratulations! You now have a blog. But you if you try to visit your blog URL, you'll get a 404 Page Not Found message. Don't worry -- you see your blog once you publish at least one post. Which is why blogger will bring you directly to...

Blogger - Create/ Publish Post
Blogger - Create/ Publish Post
This is where you create a new post. It's almost like composing and sending an email. More explanatory notes are at the image - click here)

Technorati Tags: ,

July 22, 2006

Links & References for LAS Blog course, Jul/ Aug 2006 (Part 2)

[This post continues from Part 1. It will be updated up till the 2nd run of the LAS blog course on 4th Aug '06]

Selected introductory readings:
  • Soliciting for ideas on how the Library can reach out to people who find it physically inconvenient to get to the library (via High Browse Online)
  • Ebay will use tagging to help it get organized (via Library Journal Blog - LJ Tech Blog)
  • The Power of Blogs - (Another LJ blog article, with a few related topics in the post. As you read the post, reflect upon the tone and writing style of the post, i.e. similarities/ differences to the print version of Library Journal. Of particular interest is the post's mention about cashless payment in libraries, i.e. did you find that useful? Would something like that be published in the typical print journal?)
  • Portrait of a Blogger: Under 30 and Sociable - article commenting on a survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project: "More than half of bloggers are younger than 30, and a majority use their blogs as a mode of creative expression, the survey found. Money-making possibilities motivate only 15 percent of bloggers, and most blog on a variety of topics, with 11 percent focusing on politics."
  • screencast - Quicktime Movie on the newly unveiled (Jul 2006) Technorati website. Includes an overview of the features and services.
  • Laptops give hope to homeless (Wired News) - How blogs are used by the homeless to reach out and express themselves (via Blogger Buzz)

Selected Library Associations with blogs:

Singapore Library Blogs (for public access)

Librarianship-related collaborative blogs (initiated in Singapore)

July 18, 2006

Links & References for LAS Blog course, Jul/ Aug 2006

References for blog course for LAS: "Blogs, Tagging, RSS, Podcasts: Heresay, Hype, and Hogwash?" Jul/ Aug, 2006.

[NOTE: Part 2 continues here]

On blogs and stuff
- 10 points on Blogs & RSS
- Starting a new blog
- Using Bloglines (via Preetam)
- Using Flickr (via Preetam)
- Using Technorati Tags (via Preetam)
- Using PubSub (via Preetam)

Who's Blogging? (just a sample, mind you)
- Cherian George's Air-conditioned Nation
- Cherian George's Singapore: New Media, Politics & the Law
- Lawrence Lessig (Founder & Chairman of Creative Commons)
- Lam Chun See's Good Morning Yesterday (probably Singapore's oldest blogger!)
- Tan Tarn How (policy researcher with IPS)
- Matt Cutts (google employee)
* Librarians (see Liblogarians links in next section)

Selected links to blogs/ sites with feeds
- Audio feeds
- ASK! Blog (NLB's public library services Advisory & Enquiry weblog)
- Authors/ Publishers Blog
- AustralianBlogs + Australian Podcasts + News2.0
- BookBlogs
- Blog Timeline.SG ("A timeline of significant events in the Singapore blogosphere")
- Education
- Internet Archive
- Instructables
- Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD Blog)
- LibrariesInteract ("Blog central for libraries in Australia")
- Liblogarians - Singapore
- Liblogarians - USA
- Liblogarians - UK
- Liblogarians - Australia
- Law Blogs
- Library - HKUL
- Library - NYPL
- Library - NLB
- Library News/ Research
- Singapore Heritage feeds
- Yahoo! Search Blog
(To view all my Bloglines Subscriptions, click here)

1) Inserting images for blog posts
Here are sample HTML codes. Copy and paste the codes to your blog post and see how they turn out (remember to replace the "*" portions with "<" and ">" respectively):
*a href="" title="Photo Sharing"**img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="Singapore Short Stories"**/a*

*a href="" **img src="" width="240" height="222" alt="Macro_Orchid 0406"**/a*

*a href=""**img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="Mushroom 190406"**/a*

*a href=""**img src="" width="500" height="374" alt="Oven Fresh Cookies - Macro"**/a*

*a href=""**img src="" width="355" height="500" alt="Macro_Gloxinia"**/a*

2) Group Activity - writing blog posts
- Try writing a blog post individually.
- Next try working together in groups of 2 or 3
- Consider a theme/ topic

Course for Library Association of Singapore: An introduction to Blogs and related technologies, and its applications in Libraries

As posted at the Library Association of Singapore calendar page:
Blogs, Tagging, RSS, Podcasts: Heresay, Hype, and Hogwash?
An introduction to Blogs and related technologies, and its applications in libraries

Conducted by : Mr Ivan Chew
Ivan holds a BSc (Econs) & a MSc. (Information Studies). His current job is to develop and manage the Adults & Young People's (AYP) services, working with a team of AYP librarians to look into collection, programmes and services in the public libraries. At last count, he has five blogs.

19 Jul 06, 2pm - 5pm (update: Additional run scheduled for 4 Aug 06)

NLB Academy
Carnegie Room
Toa Payoh Community Library
Level 3, 6 Toa Payoh Central
Singapore 319191

Course Fees:
LAS Member: $50.00
Non-LAS Members : $60.00

Class size : 10 (min) - 24 (max)

Closing date : 12 Jul 2006

Outline of course:

1. "Blogs" in the Singapore context
2. Define & understand "blogging" terminologies
3. Examples of blogs in education and libraries
4. How does one create a blog? (Hands-on)
5. Introduction to blog-related resources for content creation and searching (RSS,, podcasting, tagging/ folksonomy/, blog search engines etc)
6. Discussion of possible applications, legal and ethical issues in the context of libraries

You will have a hands-on experience on blogging.

How you will benefit

After attending the course, the participants will:
- have an overview of blogging
- understand more about RSS, podcasting
- learn how to use these new technologies to better serve your library users

Target Audience

All information services professionals with backgrounds in libraries

Source: (last accessed 18 Jul 06)

July 17, 2006

MICA Innovation Fiesta 2006 - Basics of Podcasting Workshop

UPDATE - 18 Jul 06. Here's a podcast from one of the participant from the course: Mr. Philip Lim shares a story on a Customer Service encounter:

powered by ODEO

Links featured in the course:
1) Definition of Podcasting
- Ask A Ninja: Special Delivery 1 "What is Podcasting?"
- Definition from Wikipedia
- Definition from
- TODAYonline ("What's all the podding fuss about?")

2) Selected podcasts
- Mr. Brown Show
- BBC Radio (Step by Step guide to getting a podcast)
- Daily Breakfast with Fr. Roderick
- Health Promotion Board, Singapore
- Penguin Podcast
- Kevin Lim (on Flu wiki)

3) Other sites & links
- Planning your podcast recording session (Apple iLife GarageBand tutorial)
- Audacity (Open source audio-recording/ editing software)
- (free podcasting hosting)
- Archive.Org (hosting of audio files, but no dedicated feed for the file)
- RamblingLibrarian podcast

[Original post]
I've been roped in to plan and conduct a podcasting workshop for the MICA Innovation Fiesta 2006.

See, Do, Hear: Knowing the Basics of PodCasting
18 July 2006
2.30pm – 5.00pm
Possibility Room, Level 5
National Library Board
100 Victoria Street
Singapore 188064

Listen to the spoken Introduction:

powered by ODEO

The Script:

Welcome to the MICA Innovation Fiesta 2006 workshop titled "See, Do, Hear: Knowing the Basics of Podcasting".

You are now listening to a podcast. What better way to start a podcasting workshop by using a podcast, right?

My name is Ivan Chew. I'm with the National Library Board Singapore (NLB). In my 10 years with NLB, I've been assigned various roles: I've worked as a librarian at a community library; I've been involved in digital & web-based projects. I've managed a few libraries & was part of a team in upgrading one. Now I work with a team of librarians delivering Adult & Young Peoples' Services across our network of public libraries.

But what makes me qualified to conduct this workshop on podcasting? Well, in my personal capacity I have five blogs and one podcast (feed). I am not an expert on podcasting but rest assured I have enough to share for an introductory workshop. Besides, one point we're making here is that you don't have to be an "expert" to produce a podcast.

By the end of our three hour session, you'll be able to do or understand at least three things: One, explain to others what are podcasts. Two, know how to listen to podcasts. And three, understand how they are produced & the ways in which they can be delivered.

We will also discuss possible applications of podcasts. During the workshop we will be listening to a few selected ones. Basically, you'll see podcasting from both the consumer's and the producer's perspective.

Now here's the fun part -- we have a group activity to produce (or attempt to produce) a podcast episode. It sounds challenging but anyway, this IS the Innovation Fiesta afterall.

So let's innovate. Let's play!


February 11, 2006

Schedule: SAOUG - Blogging 101 for Dummies workshop (13 Feb - 17 Feb 2006)

South African Online User Group "Blogging 101 for Dummies workshop":

Participants will learn what a blog is, learn how to create blogs, name their blogs, how to post comments, change the template of the blog, and how to delete their blog (in fact everything you wish to know about blogs). It will be a practical hands-on workshop.

SCHEDULE (Mon, 13 Feb - Fri 17, Feb 2006)
Monday, 13 Feb
Venue Medical Library, University of Pretoria
Session 1: 8:00-12:00
Session 2: 13:00-17:00

Tuesday, 14 Feb
Venue Dynamix Training Centre, Witkoppen Road, Sunninghill
Session 1: 8:00-12:00
Session 2: 13:00-17:00

Wednesday, 15 Feb
Venue Dynamix Training Centre, Witkoppen Road, Sunninghill
Session 1: 8:00-12:00
Session 2: 13:00-17:00

Thursday, 16 Feb
Venue University of Johannesburg, Kingsway Campus
Session 1: 9:00-13:00
[Depart in afternoon from Johannesburg International to Cape Town for session in Cape Town, then back to Johannesburg the next day]
Time 3:55 PM - Depart JNB for CPT on British Airways.
Arrive 6:05 PM

Friday, 17 Feb
Venue University of Stellenbosch
Session 1: 9:00-13:00
[Depart in evening from Cape Town for Johannesburg]
Time 6:45 PM - Depart CPT for JNB on British Airways
Arrive 8:55 PM

Saturday, 18 Feb
Depart for Singapore.

Related post - Blogging in South Africa (SAOUG Blog Course, Part 1)


September 01, 2005

Sept 1 session (afternoon): Main discussion points

We modified our approach a little bit for the afternoon session, based on a quick review of this morning's session before we went for lunch.

For the afternoon session, we did pretty much the same except that we conducted the demo a little slower (for the hands-on blogging part).

Some participants tended to get a little mixed up over the "User Name" (when they register for blogger), the "Blog Name" for the blogspot site, as well as the "Blog Address". Not surprising, since many of them had no experience in creating their own homepages.

But Rajen and I felt that for a group that had no experience in creating personal homepages, they did very well. Everyone today (morning & afternoon's session) was able to create a blog of their own, create posts, change the template, add comments, post comments in other people's blog, delete comments and also deleting a blog.

This is a snapshot of the discussion points raised for the afternoon session:
01Sept05b 001

We took these down before the start of the session. We asked what came to the participant's minds when they hear about "blogs". We had responses like "it's a website", "it's similar to email", "it's a web diary", "it's put up by people with lots of info to share", "it's a teenager thing", "it's controversial".

At the end of the session, we asked them to review those same points noted earlier. One thing all agreed that it wasn't just a "teenage thing" and blogs aren't necessarily controversial.

Someone asked "do people or authorities monitor blogs". I took that question and said I don't really know. Basically, to blog is to publish. So do it responsibly.

As with the morning session, the participants were also interested in legal issues regarding blogs. The point Rajen & I tried to make was that existing laws applies -- you'd get into trouble if you make inaccurate or inappropriate statements.

We had a point noted down -- "Any use of blogs about work?" (whatever "work" might be). We discussed about corporate blogging. Mentioned about IBM blogging guidelines, and shared the example of Microsoft's Channel 9.

And just like the morning session, we showed them Bloglines as an example of a RSS newsreader.

Judging from the participants' responses & written feedback, the course seemed to have met the stated course objectives.

Sept 1 session (morning): Main discussion points

Ok, we had our first session this morning at 10am to 12.30pm.
Rajen (L) & Ivan (R)

We asked participants what were their perceptions of blogs at the start of the session. Some mentioned "Personal Diary", "Personal homepages/ websites", "Daily Journals", "Online Hyde Park", "Brag Site". [Perhaps participants can comment here to see if their perceptions have changed after the session. Rajen & I reviewed our morning session and felt we could have shared more examples of educational & academic blogs].

Participants learnt how to create blogs, name their blogs, how to post comments, change the template of the blog, and how to delete their blog (we used

Someone asked what's the difference between blogs and Discussion Forums/ Chat Rooms/ Community Groups. Unfortunately we didn't have time to address that question.

Most seemed keen to find out more about legal issues & copyright w.r.t. blogging. The session also covered how to search for blogs using tools like

From the feedback forms, we think the session went quite well. Of course like all things, there are always lot of room for improvement.

To participants who manage to find their way to this demo site, please feel free to share your feedback and comments.