Showing posts with label web 2.0.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label web 2.0.. Show all posts

August 04, 2008

Suggestions from workshop participants

When asked what they'd like to achieve for their school library:
  • Use appropriate tools to apply in courses and prgs
  • Enrich the learning experience for students
  • using new media as a form of learning and teaching
  • Use blog to showcase book reviews
  • Contribute to NLB Read & Reap
  • Better support the curriculm
  • increase readership
  • greater student participation in library activities
  • create a more vibrant community
  • Achieve higher level of literacy
  • Sharing of media resources (share school media content with others)
  • Increase students interest in books
  • Using new media to attract students to the library

For this workshop.

August 03, 2008

Your Library and New Media: Collaboration through Social Networking

For the International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology (ICTLT), 5-6 Aug 2008.

Pre-conference workshop (4 Aug 2008):
The International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology 2008 (ICTLT)






Powerpoint slides

Other Social Networking platforms

Copyright & Creative Commons
Creative Commons sources (note: "Creative Commons" does not mean "Copyright-Free"; always check the specific terms of use)

Some considerations in selecting a social sharing service (please add your thoughts as comments)
  • What are your goals & objectives?
  • Are you prepared for your works to be used without attribution?
  • Free or Fee, or both
  • Ease of Use
  • Is that service popular? (why do you think this matters?)
  • Who are the main users of that service?
  • What's the popular image/ branding of that service?
  • What's your preferred degree of control of your content? (e.g. private Vs. public access, moderation)

Creative Commons License

This work by Ivan Chew is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. Feel free to use this as per the terms of use. For permissions beyond the scope of this license, or if you wish to clarify what the license mean, please contact via RamblingLibrarian [at]

September 21, 2007

Additional/ Updated references for "Overview on the "W & H" of Blogging and New Media" - 21 Sept 2007

This is an updated version of the "Overview on the "W & H" of Blogging and New Media" handout:

Singapore Government Agency Blogs
[Missed out the library@Orchard blog, REACH, and "10,000 Reading Fathers" in the original handout]

What is Web 2.0.?
Read this article.

What is Creative Commons?
Watch the video here.

Introduction to SecondLife

February 13, 2007

Web 2.0. - Digital Ethography

This video explains in 5 minutes, among other things, the context by which "social media" and related technologies (like blogs) exist. Brilliant.

By Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Michael Wesch, from Kansas State University.

July 22, 2006

Links & References for LAS Blog course, Jul/ Aug 2006 (Part 2)

[This post continues from Part 1. It will be updated up till the 2nd run of the LAS blog course on 4th Aug '06]

Selected introductory readings:
  • Soliciting for ideas on how the Library can reach out to people who find it physically inconvenient to get to the library (via High Browse Online)
  • Ebay will use tagging to help it get organized (via Library Journal Blog - LJ Tech Blog)
  • The Power of Blogs - (Another LJ blog article, with a few related topics in the post. As you read the post, reflect upon the tone and writing style of the post, i.e. similarities/ differences to the print version of Library Journal. Of particular interest is the post's mention about cashless payment in libraries, i.e. did you find that useful? Would something like that be published in the typical print journal?)
  • Portrait of a Blogger: Under 30 and Sociable - article commenting on a survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project: "More than half of bloggers are younger than 30, and a majority use their blogs as a mode of creative expression, the survey found. Money-making possibilities motivate only 15 percent of bloggers, and most blog on a variety of topics, with 11 percent focusing on politics."
  • screencast - Quicktime Movie on the newly unveiled (Jul 2006) Technorati website. Includes an overview of the features and services.
  • Laptops give hope to homeless (Wired News) - How blogs are used by the homeless to reach out and express themselves (via Blogger Buzz)

Selected Library Associations with blogs:

Singapore Library Blogs (for public access)

Librarianship-related collaborative blogs (initiated in Singapore)

July 19, 2006 Demonstration

This was taken when the participants went for their teabreak:
NLB Academy - LAS Blog Course 19 Jul 06

July 18, 2006

Links & References for LAS Blog course, Jul/ Aug 2006

References for blog course for LAS: "Blogs, Tagging, RSS, Podcasts: Heresay, Hype, and Hogwash?" Jul/ Aug, 2006.

[NOTE: Part 2 continues here]

On blogs and stuff
- 10 points on Blogs & RSS
- Starting a new blog
- Using Bloglines (via Preetam)
- Using Flickr (via Preetam)
- Using Technorati Tags (via Preetam)
- Using PubSub (via Preetam)

Who's Blogging? (just a sample, mind you)
- Cherian George's Air-conditioned Nation
- Cherian George's Singapore: New Media, Politics & the Law
- Lawrence Lessig (Founder & Chairman of Creative Commons)
- Lam Chun See's Good Morning Yesterday (probably Singapore's oldest blogger!)
- Tan Tarn How (policy researcher with IPS)
- Matt Cutts (google employee)
* Librarians (see Liblogarians links in next section)

Selected links to blogs/ sites with feeds
- Audio feeds
- ASK! Blog (NLB's public library services Advisory & Enquiry weblog)
- Authors/ Publishers Blog
- AustralianBlogs + Australian Podcasts + News2.0
- BookBlogs
- Blog Timeline.SG ("A timeline of significant events in the Singapore blogosphere")
- Education
- Internet Archive
- Instructables
- Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD Blog)
- LibrariesInteract ("Blog central for libraries in Australia")
- Liblogarians - Singapore
- Liblogarians - USA
- Liblogarians - UK
- Liblogarians - Australia
- Law Blogs
- Library - HKUL
- Library - NYPL
- Library - NLB
- Library News/ Research
- Singapore Heritage feeds
- Yahoo! Search Blog
(To view all my Bloglines Subscriptions, click here)

1) Inserting images for blog posts
Here are sample HTML codes. Copy and paste the codes to your blog post and see how they turn out (remember to replace the "*" portions with "<" and ">" respectively):
*a href="" title="Photo Sharing"**img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="Singapore Short Stories"**/a*

*a href="" **img src="" width="240" height="222" alt="Macro_Orchid 0406"**/a*

*a href=""**img src="" width="375" height="500" alt="Mushroom 190406"**/a*

*a href=""**img src="" width="500" height="374" alt="Oven Fresh Cookies - Macro"**/a*

*a href=""**img src="" width="355" height="500" alt="Macro_Gloxinia"**/a*

2) Group Activity - writing blog posts
- Try writing a blog post individually.
- Next try working together in groups of 2 or 3
- Consider a theme/ topic