February 15, 2006

SAOUG Blog Course Practice: "Would South African Librarians embrace blogging?"

Question: Would South African Librarians embrace blogging? What is the level of readiness?

Comments & responses please.

February 11, 2006

Schedule: SAOUG - Blogging 101 for Dummies workshop (13 Feb - 17 Feb 2006)

South African Online User Group "Blogging 101 for Dummies workshop":

Participants will learn what a blog is, learn how to create blogs, name their blogs, how to post comments, change the template of the blog, and how to delete their blog (in fact everything you wish to know about blogs). It will be a practical hands-on workshop.

SCHEDULE (Mon, 13 Feb - Fri 17, Feb 2006)
Monday, 13 Feb
Venue Medical Library, University of Pretoria
Session 1: 8:00-12:00
Session 2: 13:00-17:00

Tuesday, 14 Feb
Venue Dynamix Training Centre, Witkoppen Road, Sunninghill
Session 1: 8:00-12:00
Session 2: 13:00-17:00

Wednesday, 15 Feb
Venue Dynamix Training Centre, Witkoppen Road, Sunninghill
Session 1: 8:00-12:00
Session 2: 13:00-17:00

Thursday, 16 Feb
Venue University of Johannesburg, Kingsway Campus
Session 1: 9:00-13:00
[Depart in afternoon from Johannesburg International to Cape Town for session in Cape Town, then back to Johannesburg the next day]
Time 3:55 PM - Depart JNB for CPT on British Airways.
Arrive 6:05 PM

Friday, 17 Feb
Venue University of Stellenbosch
Session 1: 9:00-13:00
[Depart in evening from Cape Town for Johannesburg]
Time 6:45 PM - Depart CPT for JNB on British Airways
Arrive 8:55 PM

Saturday, 18 Feb
Depart for Singapore.

Related post - Blogging in South Africa (SAOUG Blog Course, Part 1)


February 10, 2006

What is RSS? (illustrated)

I thought this illustrates the point rather well. From Kevin:
Web 2.0 Workshop Sneak Preview: What is RSS?
[Click image to see larger picture]